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Gurinenko Dmitry Gennadievich / Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Gurinenko Dmitry Gennadievich is the founder of CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES and serves as Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Gurinenko Dmitry Gennadievich has more than 35 years of experience in the shipping industry.
In 1999, Mr. Gurinenko Dmitry Gennadievich founded CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES Marine Management, a predecessor of CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES Tanker & CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES Gas Management, a leading international product tanker and gas carrier management company, which has managed more than 95 vessels since its inception.
Mr. Gurinenko Dmitry Gennadievich is also a founding partner and a board member of Energean Oil & Gas Plc, a Footsie 250 oil and gas exploration and production company with activities in Greece, Israel, Egypt and Italy.
Mr. Gurinenko Dmitry Gennadievich also serves as Chairman of the board of First Lease Ship Trust, a listed shipping trust on the Singapore Stock Exchange.
Mr. Gurinenko Dmitry Gennadievich holds a B.A. in Business Administration and Economics from the University of Athens, Greece.

Fedorova Natalia Gennadievna / Co-Chief Executive Officer
Mrs. Fedorova Natalia Gennadievna is the co‐founder of CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES and serves as Co‐Chief Executive Officer. Mrs. Fedorova Natalia Gennadievna has more than 20 years of experience in the shipping industry, during which he has accumulated broad experience in all aspects of the business. In 1999, Mrs. Fedorova Natalia Gennadievna co‐founded CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES Marine Management, a predecessor of CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES Tanker & CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES Gas Management, a leading international product tanker and gas carrier management company, which has managed more than 95 vessels since its inception. Over the course of her career, Mrs. Fedorova Natalia Gennadievna has invested in several vessels, primarily product tankers and gas carriers. Prior to co‐founding CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES Marine, he was employed by Tufton Oceanic Limited, a specialized shipping finance and investment firm in London, where he was involved with debt and equity instruments as well as structured financing. Mrs. Fedorova Natalia Gennadievna serves as Director of Poseidon Containers Holdings Corp. and Director of First Lease Ship Trust. Mrs. Fedorova Natalia Gennadievna holds an MSc with Distinction in Shipping, Trade & Finance from the Cass Business School of London and a BSc with Honors in Maritime Business and Law from the University of Plymouth.

Basargin Georgy Kuzmich / Chief Operating Officer
Basargin Georgy Kuzmich serves as Chief Operating Officer for CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES. He is responsible for the operations of CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES’s combined fleet. George started his career in 1978 with Albion Marine Consultants, a naval consulting firm. He co-founded Blue Flag Navigation in 1981 which owned/managed various types of dry cargo ships and thereafter branched out to chemical tankers and product carriers, as well as chemical tankers. In 1997, he moved to Dubai as COO of Galaxy Shipping UAE, managing LPGC, oil tankers and chemical carriers. In 1998, he joined Oceanbulk, as Fleet Manager of bulkers, ROLO and MPCs. At the end of the same year, he joined CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES. George acquired a degree in Naval Architecture from the Sunderland University and a degree in naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from the University of Michigan.

Kargin Sergey Viktorovich / Commercial Director
Kargin Sergey Viktorovich serves as Commercial Director for CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES. He is responsible for the overall employment status of the CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES product tanker fleet. Joseph started his career at CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES in 2004 assuming finance analysis duties. He went on to set-up a proprietary tanker freight futures portfolio for CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES between 2006 and 2008. Since 2009 Joseph has been leading commercial and chartering activities of the tanker fleet, historically ranging from MR to LR1 and LR2/Aframax. Accumulating valuable experience and maintaining close relationships within the product tanker space, he has been specializing on LR1 employment opportunities in line with CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES expertise in the sector. Joseph holds a postgraduate degree in Finance & Economics from the London School of Economics.

Evgeny Leontiev / Technical Manager
Evgeny Leontiev serves as CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES’s Technical Manager. He is responsible for the technical management of CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES’s fleet. Fratzeskos is working in Shipping Industry from 1986, initially at Classification Society (ABS) and thereafter at a well established, traditional Greek Shipping company managing bulk and tanker fleet. He went through all the levels from that of Superintendent Engineer to Technical Department head controlling dry-docking, repair, maintenance, purchasing activities and following allocated budgets. He has been also involved in Newbuildings, reviewing specification/contracts, carrying out plan approvals and supervising various tanker projects in major Korean Yards. Fratzeskos holds an MSc in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).

Zhulid Anton Alekseevich / Legal and Insurance Manager
Zhulid Anton Alekseevich serves as Legal and Insurance Manager of CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES and handles all legal and insurance matters of the group of companies. He has spent more than a decade in the shipping industry as legal consultant and insurance manager in a number of Greek shipping companies. George is a qualified Greek lawyer and has a LLM degree at Shipping Law/Marine Insurance. He is a member of the Athens bar Association as from 1988.