Our services  ›  Training

At CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES we have recognized the importance of providing quality training to our seafarers and the difference it makes towards them and ultimately the performance of the vessels they operate.

The CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES Maritime Assessment & Training Center went into operation in April 2011. It is equipped with state-of-the-art hardware and software, specifically with three (3) Bridge Simulators and an ECDIS Simulator for training of Navigation Officers, an Engine Simulator for Engineer’s training and a Cargo Operations Simulator for Deck Officers.

CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES’s seafarers also undergo Computer Based Training and Psychometric Tests. Seagull’s CBT System provides multiple evaluation of seamen’s knowledge in a wide number of subjects. Psychometric tests through this setup evaluate all Officers’ mental ability to perceive and process information as well as evaluate the correlation between Officers’ interests and Company’s values.

CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES’s Seafarers attend also Company’s Seminars from their home via Webinar sessions conducted in the Company’s Training Center, as well as CBT Seminars via online access.

Training effort is equally being directed towards development of shore based staff by attending in-house and external seminars in order to improve their knowledge and awareness and consequently their professional performance. External speakers are regularly being invited for in-house seminars mainly from classification societies or other industry key parties.

The CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES Maritime Assessment & Training Centre is certified by the following organizations:

Lloyds Register of Shipping
American Bureau of Shipping
Marshall Islands Flag Administration

This enables CASPIAN CARGO SERVICES to award Certificates recognized by the above-mentioned bodies.

We believe that training is the key to operating safe and efficient ships on greener seas.