Greenwich Shipping

1st National Debate for Environmental / Energy Management, Green Angels – ENVIMAD

On Tuesday 25/04/2017 “Green Angels”, the Greek Community for Environmental Responsible Business founded by ICAP Group and Greenit Environmental, had their 1st National Debate in cooperation with Hellenic Institute of Production & Operations Management (EIDIP).

Greenwich Shipping Tanker / Gas Management presented some of the adopted energy efficiency measures/practices like the use of new generation A/F Paints, the development of in-house software for vessels’ performance evaluation, a theoretical approach on ship’s efficiency, the installation of Energy Saving Devices (e.g. Becker Mewis Duct), the installation of PYTHIA Engine Monitoring & Diagnostic tool the ISO 14001 & ISO 50001 certification, etc.

Please visit the following link for relevant press release.